International Girl Child Day 2023: History, theme, importance, quotes

International Girl Child Day falls on October 11. Here's all you need to know about the history, theme and significance of International Day of the Girl Child.

International Girl Child Day is observed annually on October 11. The day aims to focus on the importance of girls' education, their rights, and promoting gender equality. It urges the global community to move beyond reaffirming commitments and invest boldly in the action needed to make changes that could empower girls. If you are celebrating the International Day of the Girl Child, it is important to know its history, significance, and theme. Scroll through to find out all these details inside.

International Day of the Girl Child 2023: History

A concept of recognising rights of girls started to take shape in 1995 at the World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. Later, on December 18, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared October 11 to be observed as the International Day of the Girl Child to recognise the challenges that girls face across the world.

What is the theme of this year’s International Girl Child Day? 

The theme for the International Girl Child Day 2023 is, "Invest in Girls’ Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being". The goal is to make an essential moment that focuses and raises the voices of girls while encouraging those in places of true power to improve their monetary help for girls' privileges.
The theme event will serve as an example of a world where women and girls have the valuable chance to impact government strategy, policy and spending to inform the principles and rules that organizations must follow and to decide the needs for new research and developments.

What is the importance of the International Day of the Girl Child?

Teenage girls reserve the option to be protected, educated, and lead a healthy life during their critical early stages and as they mature into women. Because if supported, they can possibly turn into the empowered young ladies of the present and the upcoming workers, mothers, household heads, entrepreneurs, mentors, and political leaders. 
Discussing the significance of supporting fairer openings for girls and enhancing their voices, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres stated, "Women and girls can lead us to a fairer future...let us amplify girls' voices, and recommit to working together to build a world where every girl can lead and thrive."
In the meantime, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) exemplify a guide for sustainable development. Accomplishing gender equality and women's empowerment is essential to these 17 objectives. 

Happy International Day of the Girl Child 2023: Quotes 

  • May this world become a safer and happier place for the girl children to live happily. Warm wishes on International Girl Child Day 2023.

  • Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. Give it to your daughter. To fly high in the open sky… Happy International Day of Girl Child!

  • We want a mother, we want a wife, we want a sister ~~~~ Then why we don’t want a girl child? Save the Girl Child. Happy International Day Of Girl Child!

  • International Day of the Girls Child reminds us that it is our responsibility to give them the importance they deserve and work together for their happier lives.

  • You are truly blessed if you have been gifted a girl child because she has the aura to make your heart and home a happy place.

  • Blessed are those parents who are gifted with a girl child who is a bundle of joy and a ray of hope.

  • "Girls are capable of doing everything men are capable of doing. Sometimes they have more imagination than men.” ~ Catherine Johnson.

  • "To achieve gender equality in education across the globe, we must sustain our efforts, equipping girls with tools and fostering environments conducive to their success." - Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO

It highlights the importance of achieving gender equality and empowering girls to reach their full potential. Gender equality benefits society as a whole by fostering inclusive development and reducing poverty. The day focuses on the importance of education for girls. Education is a powerful tool for empowering girls and enabling them to make informed decisions about their lives and health.

International Girl Child Day emphasizes the need to protect and uphold the rights of all children, irrespective of their gender. This includes safeguarding girls from child marriage, female genital mutilation, and other harmful practices. It also raises awareness about the prevalence of gender-based violence and the need to eradicate it. Girls must be protected from all forms of violence and abuse.

Girls' voices and perspectives are essential for shaping policies and programs that affect them. This day encourages active participation and advocacy by girls themselves.

International Girl Child Day unites people and organizations worldwide for a common cause. It provides an opportunity for governments, NGOs, and individuals to collaborate on projects and initiatives that support girls.